Elsa Laula Renberg was the driving force to arrange the first pan-sámi organization meeting in Trondheim 6th February 1917. 6th of February is since 1992 the Sámi National Day in all 4 sámi countries, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. She fought for the right to sámi language, land for the reindeer herding, and human rights of the indigenous sámi people.
Playwright: Liv Hege Nylund, Ada Einmo Jürgensen, Cecilia
Actor: Cecilia Person
Composer: Frode Fjellheim
Director: Liv Hege Nylund,
Choreographer/assistant director: Ada Einmo Jürgensen
Costume and set designer: Hilde Skancke Pedersen.
Supported by: The Sámi Parliament (N) Norwegian Art
Council, Fritt Ord (Free Speech)
Photo: Espen Storhaug/Banjo Media
For Åarjelhsaemien Teatere/South Sámi Theatre and Nord-Trøndelag Teater/Turneteateret.
A production by Åarjelhsaemien Theatre, Nord-Trøndelag Theater, Nordland Teater.
Opening 2012 touring Norwegian and Swedish parts of Sápmi 2012-15. Playing 2017 at the 100-years jubilee for the first pan Sámi organization meeting and Elsa Laula Renberg was the driving force to arrange the first pan-sámi organization meeting in Trondheim 6th February 1917. 6th of February has been since 1992 the Sámi National Day in all 4 sámi countries, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. She fought for the right to sámi language, land for the reindeer herding, and human rights of the indigenous sámi people. The fight is still ongoing. The script and the performance are built on her speeches, family stories, legends and her own writings the booklet of 1904 – “Between life and death/About the Sámi Situation”